
Lesson Planning:

The following resources are intended for the Lesson Planning assignment for PIDP 3100.  I have found each of them to be useful and interesting!

1) Bloom's Taxonomy: Cognitive Domain

I chose the above YouTube video because I find having a visual representation of this concept helped me to make more sense of Cognitive Domain of Bloom's Taxonomy.  It broke down each level and explained how the taxonomy will help someone with learning in a college setting.

I also selected this great pdf I found that helped me understand each of the levels.  It gives excellent examples of real world situations where someone might see or use each level.  I can see myself using Bloom's Taxonomy to categorize the learning needs of the students.  That way, I can make sure I am moving through the taxonomy as they progress through the course.

2) Characteristics of Adult Learners: Malcolm Knowles' Adult Learning Theory

I chose this article because I felt like it condensed Knowles' Adult Learning Theory in a really user-friendly way without simplifying the concepts.  Even though this article is geared towards educators who teach basic computer skills to adults, I feel like I can apply it to my own practice as an adult educator.  I believe it is vital to know the principles of Andragogy because of the difference between child and adult learners can be quite extreme.  As an adult learner myself, I would certainly want my instructors to know about andragogy!

3) Creating a Positive Learning Environment: Classroom Management

Classroom management is not something I have ever been formally taught and it is one of those skills that I wish I gave more thought to before I started teaching in a classroom setting!  This article describes ten management techniques from different educators who have been at the "front lines" for a number of years.  I took each one to heart and I will definitely be utilizing a number of tips including how to manage students who participate too much (which I have experienced first hand!).  

4) Motivational Techniques: Locke and Latham's Goal-Setting Theory

I chose this video and the related article because it thoroughly explains Locke and Latham's Goal-Setting Theory and how it relates to motivational techniques.  I found the history of this theory and the research that went in to figuring out what motivates someone fascinating.  Through their research, Locke and Latham discovered that clear goals and appropriate feedback is what motivates someone.  Also, working towards that goal can be motivating enough to improve work performance!  This concept is certainly applicable to adult learners because their motivation can come from wanting to further a career for example.  I will keep this in mind when I continue to work with my students who all have the same goal: To be a nurse (though their motivation may vary significantly). 

5) Media in the Classroom: PowerPoint

Full disclosure: I love TED talks and they have become a borderline addiction for me.  So when I found a TED talk on Death by PowerPoint, I knew I had to watch this video.  The speaker, David Phillips discusses all the mistakes people make when creating and delivering a PowerPoint and outlines how to create presentations and lectures that enhance learning.  I have definitely been guilty of some of the mistakes he talks about and I am actually excited to try some of his techniques!  I also included another great article that discusses best practices for PowerPoint.  A lot of the concepts echo what David Philips discusses so it is a great supplement to an amazing TED talk!

Lesson Plan Links:

New Insights in Nursing Education References:

Schlairet, M. C., Green, R., & Benton, M. J. (2014). The flipped classroom: Strategies for an undergraduate nursing course. Nurse Educator, 39(6), 321-325. doi:10.1097/NNE.0000000000000096

Trends in Nursing Education References and Links:

Sams, A. & Bergman, J. (2013). Flip your students' learning. Educational Leadership, 
             70(6), 16-20.

Web Conference Reflection Links: